Our corporate principles are based on the Code of Business Conduct of the Fruit Juice Industry. (AIJN, as of February 2015), the six principles of the ?Juice CSR Platform? and the Guidelines of the United Nations Global Compact Food and Agriculture Business Principles (FABs). They define the fundamental ethical principles of our behaviour within the riha group and in relation to our business partners and the public. Responsible action means acting within the law and ethically in order to ensure the sustainable supply of raw materials for the fruit juice industry for the future.
In the course of its business activities, the company respects the internationally recognized human rights and the applicable labour and social standards.
All managers, executives and employees of the riha Group act in accordance with these principles.
Business Partners who violate this code of conduct will not be accepted by us. Any violation may result in immediate termination of the business relationship. All business partners are obligated to immediately inform
riha WeserGold Getränke GmbH & Co. KG, Rinteln
about any violations by their subcontractors against the following provisions.
No form of corruption or bribery will be tolerated by our company. Private and business interests must be kept strictly separate from each other. The applicable national law must be observed.
Applicable national laws relating to working hours must respected.
The maximum working time in accordance with the applicable labour law (working hours act) applies.
Work-free periods must be granted and adhered to.
Employee representatives must be available at all locations in accordance with the applicable legal requirements.
Wages and salaries are governed by the applicable law and any individually negotiated legal contracts. A fair and performance-related pay structure is aimed for. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure are prohibited.
All forms of forced labour and exploitation are prohibited.
An employee must never be intimidated or forced to work. This includes verbal, physical and emotional violence, coercion and harassment (including that of a sexual nature).
All employees must be treated equally, regardless of:
gender, colour, age, race, religion, political opinion, physical or mental disability of any kind, ethnic, national or social origin, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics, membership in an employee organisation.
Freedom of association must be recognised where legally permissible.
Child labour is prohibited. The minimum age for employment must not be less than 15 years. This is based on the provisions of the United Nations and the relevant national legislation. The rights of adolescent workers must be respected.
The riha Group and its business partners must take measures to prevent damage to health and accidents. Workers must be trained on a regular basis in safety at work.
Safety at work is, however, also part of the individual responsibility of each employee. Hazards must be avoided through proactive, prudent and safety-conscious behaviour. Deficiencies in safety at work must be reported immediately to the occupational health and safety representative.
The company is committed to sustainability. The core of our concept of sustainability is harmony between social, economic and ecological factors in our thoughts and actions.
Compliance with the code of conduct must be checked as far as possible and manageable improvement processes agreed.
Identification must be possible at all times, from the raw material to the finished product, using a systematic identification system throughout the production process.
The traceability system must include all relevant records of goods received, processing and sales. Traceability must be ensured and documented by the supplier (one step back) right up to delivery to the customer (one step forward).
Phone: +49 5751 404-0
Fax: +49 5751 404-169
Email: info@riha-WeserGold.de