All plants focus their energy policy on the efficient use of energy and resource-conserving energy consumption.
riha Wesergold is a highly profitable family business that operates its processes using state-of-the-art technology.
riha WeserGold has been using technologies with resource-saving procedures since 1980. This policy will be continued now and in the future, ensuring optimal, economically operated processes.
riha WeserGold sees itself as a pioneer in the industry as regards use of energy.
The investments in efficient energy use are thus part of the activities to ensure the company?s significant position in the soft drink market for the future.
When purchasing energy services, products and equipment that have or can have an effect on important energy usage, the procurement is partly based on energy-related performance.
This policy sets the framework for the review of strategic and operational energy targets.
Thanks to continuous improvement processes and compliance with applicable legal and other requirements, the company has been working towards a more efficient use of energy sources for years.
The energy policy is communicated internally across all levels of the organisation, and is regularly reviewed and updated accordingly.
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